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Madeline Weiss: Info Mgmt Council Wants Non-Government Entity as Cyber Hub

Madeline Weiss: Info Mgmt Council Wants Non-Government Entity as Cyber Hub - top government contractors - best government contracting event

dhs-cyberMadeline Weiss, director of the Society for Information Management’s Advanced Practices Council, has said the industry group wants a non-government organization to serve as a cyber hub for information sharing practices, FierceGovernmentIT reported Monday.

Dibya Sarkar writes the goal is to establish a cybersecurity information center designed to both gather and analyze cyber threat indicators.

Another goal of the coalition is to urge Congress to pass a bill that would ease legal liabilities for companies to share cyber threat data, according to the report.

“There’s great reluctance without that legislation to do anything,” Weiss told FierceGovernmentIT.

Sarkar writes the group calls on its members to communicate with their representatives to pass such legislation.

The coalition also wants to implement predictive analytics in order to counter cyber criminals, FierceGovernmentIT reports.

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Written by Jay Clemens

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