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  • LexisNexis Lands SAFE-BioPharma Association Certification for ID Credentials; Kim Little Sutherland Comments - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    LexisNexis Lands SAFE-BioPharma Association Certification for ID Credentials; Kim Little Sutherland Comments

    LexisNexis‘ risk solutions practice has earned certification from SAFE-BioPharma Association on the capability of its identity credentials to manage access to personal and sensitive information. Kim Little Sutherland, senior director for identity management at LexisNexis, said Monday that this highlights the company’s identity management and multifactor authentication solutions for both government and healthcare organizations. The accreditation covers LexisNexis Instant […] More

  • Teradata Offers Connection Analytics to Identify Linkages in Data; Scott Gnau Comments - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    Teradata Offers Connection Analytics to Identify Linkages in Data; Scott Gnau Comments

    Teradata has launched a new data analytics tool that works to leverage the Teradata Aster Discovery Platform and help users learn about relationships between people, products and processes across data sets to guide business decision-making. Businesses can utilize Connection Analytics to identify influencers in consumer activity, prevent customer churn, monitor the system for cyberthreats and detect fraudulent activity, the company said Monday. Scott Gnau, president of […] More

  • Red Hat, SAP Release Mobile Data Mgmt Cartridge; Julio Tapia Comments - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    Red Hat, SAP Release Mobile Data Mgmt Cartridge; Julio Tapia Comments

    Red Hat and SAP have released a mobile data management cartridge for SAP SQL Anywhere that works to support remote and mobile application development and synchronization with MySQL-based applications in Red Hat’s OpenShift. Red Hat said Monday the cartridge is part of its ongoing partnership with SAP to support database and application development for different operating systems, services and […] More

  • Hitachi Offers Logical Partitioning Tech for SAP HANA; Mike Walkey Comments - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    Hitachi Offers Logical Partitioning Tech for SAP HANA; Mike Walkey Comments

    Hitachi and its subsidiary Hitachi Data Systems have unveiled an x86-based logical partitioning solution for SAP HANA to support server virtualization and network consolidation on-premise, in the cloud or in a hybrid cloud environment. The company said Sunday Hitachi LPAR works to provide computing and storage functions for system utilization and to streamline operations with a consolidated infrastructure. Mike Walkey, senior vice president for […] More

  • MITRE's Lillian Ryals: FAA-Stakeholder Collaboration Key to NextGen Program - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    MITRE’s Lillian Ryals: FAA-Stakeholder Collaboration Key to NextGen Program

    MITRE has sought to help the aviation community collaborate with the Federal Aviation Administration meet the goals of the Next Generation Air Transportation System program, Aviation Today reported Thursday. Juliet Van Wagenen writes that the company’s Center for Advanced Aviation System Development has released a report to assess the progress of the program based on the FAA’s implementation plan and midterm concept of operations […] More

  • Lockheed, Industry Partners Launch 7th Littoral Combat Ship for Navy; Dale Bennett Comments - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    Lockheed, Industry Partners Launch 7th Littoral Combat Ship for Navy; Dale Bennett Comments

    Lockheed Martin and its industry partners has launched the latest littoral combat ship for the U.S. Navy at the Marinette Marine shipyard along the Menominee River in Wisconsin. Lockheed said Saturday Barbara Levin, wife of Sen. Carl Levin, led the christening ceremony for LCS 7 or the future USS Detroit as the ship’s sponsor. Dale Bennett, executive vice president […] More

  • Ken Torok: Boeing's Reusable Space Drone Program Achieves 1,367 Days in Orbit - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    Ken Torok: Boeing’s Reusable Space Drone Program Achieves 1,367 Days in Orbit

    Boeing‘s X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle landed at the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California late last week after spending 674 days in orbit and completing its third test mission for the U.S. Air Force. Ken Torok, the company’s director of experimental systems, said Friday the reusable unmanned space plane’s latest experimental mission for the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office brings the program’s total […] More

  • Sevatec Awarded USCIS Business Intell, Data Analytics Contract; Sonny Kakar Comments - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    Sevatec Awarded USCIS Business Intell, Data Analytics Contract; Sonny Kakar Comments

    Sevatec will provide business intelligence, data analytics and other support services to the data and business intelligence section of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services under an estimated $25 million prime contract. The firm said Friday the contract was awarded through the Chief Information Officer – Solutions and Partners 3 vehicle and includes systems development and architectural support for bolstering the […] More

  • Northrop Taps UC Colorado Springs for Defense Cyber Research Grant - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    Northrop Taps UC Colorado Springs for Defense Cyber Research Grant

    Northrop Grumman has awarded a $70,000 research grant to the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs to study and develop cybersecurity and resiliency technologies for Defense Department systems. The company said Thursday UCCS College of Engineering and Applied Sciences will perform research over a nine-month period as part of the university’s partnership with Northrop on research and development in the fields […] More

  • Bart De Pontieu: Lockheed-Led Team Observes Solar Atmospheric Activity With NASA's IRIS - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    Bart De Pontieu: Lockheed-Led Team Observes Solar Atmospheric Activity With NASA’s IRIS

    A Lockheed Martin-led team has discovered new information on the sun’s atmosphere through NASA‘s Interface Region Imaging Spectograph as part of a mission to study energy transfer and the impact of solar atmospheric activity. “The results focus on a lot of things that have been puzzling for a long time and they also offer some complete surprises,” […] More

  • Russell Katz: Lockheed's Lightning Mapper Sensor to Support NOAA Weather Services - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    Russell Katz: Lockheed’s Lightning Mapper Sensor to Support NOAA Weather Services

    Lockheed Martin has completed the Geostationary Lightning Mapper for the first Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite that will support the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration‘s weather services and meteorological research work. The company said Wednesday the GLM sensor works as an early-warning instrument for severe storm such as tornadoes and will fly on the GOES-R spacecraft, which is scheduled to launch early in 2016. Russell Katz, […] More

  • Jim Anderson: BAE Platform Aims to Secure Ops-IT Link in Industrial Systems - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    Jim Anderson: BAE Platform Aims to Secure Ops-IT Link in Industrial Systems

    BAE Systems‘ applied intelligence division has developed an offering to protect industrial systems and critical national infrastructure, particularly in the energy and utilities sector, from cyberattacks and other security concerns. The company said Wednesday that IndustrialProtect works to provide a network segmentation gateway to secure the link supporting data transmission between operational technology and corporate IT networks. “Since we […] More