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  • SAIC Subcontracts Root9B for Cybercom & DoD Support - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    SAIC Subcontracts Root9B for Cybercom & DoD Support

    Science Applications International Corp. has awarded root9B a subcontract to deliver manpower, services and technologies to the U.S. Cyber Command and U.S. Defense Department. Root9B will help SAIC support Cybercom’s functions to plan, integrate, synchronize, coordinate and conduct defense and operations of DoD components, root9B said Friday. SAIC is one of six prime awardees on a potential five-year, $460 million contract for mission support services to […] More

  • Report: Jacobs Engineering Group Chooses Dallas for New HQ Site - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    Report: Jacobs Engineering Group Chooses Dallas for New HQ Site

    Jacobs Engineering Group plans to relocate its corporate headquarters Pasadena, California to a new site in downtown Dallas under a 10-year lease, the Dallas Morning News reported May 31. Jacobs operates an office in Fort Worth and occupies at least three floors of a 36-story tower in downtown Dallas that house company operations in the latter city, according to the report […] More

  • ONR Provides More Funds for CTC Virtual Pre-Deployment Training Program; Ed Sheehan Comments - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    ONR Provides More Funds for CTC Virtual Pre-Deployment Training Program; Ed Sheehan Comments

    Concurrent Technologies Corporation‘s contract with the Office of Naval Research to develop a virtual, avatar-based, pre-deployment training program for the U.S. Marine Corps has reached $1.1 million in value with the award of an additional $200,000. CTC will provide its Virtual Human Terrain Scenario Training program, which is designed to generate virtual avatars as role players in a live training environment […] More

  • Federal Railroad Administration Awards Railroad Messaging Network Installation Grant to Rockwell Collins - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    Federal Railroad Administration Awards Railroad Messaging Network Installation Grant to Rockwell Collins

    The Federal Railroad Administration has awarded Rockwell Collins a $4.9 million grant to install company’s passenger and freight railroad messaging network platform ARINC RailwayNet on railroads in the U.S. Rockwell Collins will install the system on short line and commuter railroads and also develop a guide to help smaller railroads adopt similar tools in compliance with the Positive Train Control requirements listed […] More

  • General Atomics Conducts 37-Hour Flight Test on Predator B Big-Wing UAV - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    General Atomics Conducts 37-Hour Flight Test on Predator B Big-Wing UAV

    General Atomics‘ aeronautical systems business flew its Predator B/MQ-9 Reaper Big Wing unmanned aerial vehicle for 37 hours non-stop as part of a follow-on endurance flight test program. The test simulated an operational mission to check the modified UAV’s flight time and its launch, operational altitude climb, loiter and reconnaissance maneuvering functions, General Atomics said Wednesday. Results indicated […] More

  • Textron to Build EW Threat Simulation Platform for Canada - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    Textron to Build EW Threat Simulation Platform for Canada

    A Textron subsidiary has been chosen by the Canadian government to provide a technology platform that will work to simulate electronic warfare threats. Canada picked the Advanced Architecture Phase Amplitude and Time Simulator  technology that Textron Systems Electronic Systems offered to the country’s New Electronic Warfare Threat Simulator program, Textron said Wednesday. The A2PATS comprises EW communications and electronic intelligence tools as well as employs an open architecture designed […] More

  • Brad Antle: Salient CRGT Adds Tysons Corner Office to Support Federal Customers - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    Brad Antle: Salient CRGT Adds Tysons Corner Office to Support Federal Customers

    Salient CRGT is opening a new office at 8255 Greensboro Drive in Tysons Corner, Virginia, as part of efforts to grow its footprint in the Greater Washington technology services market. The 33,370-square-foot facility includes two laboratories for the company’s agile development activities, an innovation laboratory and a talent operations center built to support federal clients, Salient CRGT said Wednesday. “We are excited to expand […] More

  • General Atomics to Incorporate Imagery Reconnaissance Pod in Italy's Predator UAVs - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    General Atomics to Incorporate Imagery Reconnaissance Pod in Italy’s Predator UAVs

    General Atomics‘ aeronautical systems business will install an imagery reconnaissance pod created by Israel-based Rafael Advanced Defense Systems into a Predator B/MQ-9 unmanned aerial vehicle flown by Italy’s air force. The Predator B’s Multi-spectral Targeting System-B full-motion video system interoperates with the RecceLite pod to facilitate the production of geo-referenced, high-resolution digital stills, General Atomics said Thursday. The company added it […] More

  • CGI to Update IT Systems of Canada's Securities Agency - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    CGI to Update IT Systems of Canada’s Securities Agency

    CGI has signed an agreement with the Canadian Securities Administrators to update CSA’s national information technology systems with a new digital platform that supports information management across provincial and territorial securities commissions. The company will develop an integrated system based on a Foster Moore-created software and implement the product in stages over the next three years, CGI said Wednesday. […] More

  • 2 Texas Research Organizations to Work on Ebola Countermeasure for DTRA - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    2 Texas Research Organizations to Work on Ebola Countermeasure for DTRA

    The Defense Threat Reduction Agency has awarded Southwest Research Institute a potential three-year contract worth $3.4 million to develop and test a countermeasure drug therapy for the Ebola virus. SwRI will work with Texas Biomedical Research Institute to combine two existing drugs designed to combat biothreats, Texas Biomed said Wednesday. Robert Davey, Texas Biomed virology and immunology department chair and […] More

  • Swedish Defense Material Administration Picks Saab for Anti-Submarine Warfare Training - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    Swedish Defense Material Administration Picks Saab for Anti-Submarine Warfare Training

    Sweden’s defense material administration has placed an order to Saab for anti-submarine warfare training and the AUV62-AT autonomous underwater vehicle to support the Swedish armed forces’ underwater operations. Saab will provide the AUV62-AT with ASW training configuration and additional support and maintenance to the client from 2016 to 2019, the company said Wednesday. Anne-Marie Vosu, Saab’s underwater systems […] More

  • ASRC Federal Subsidiary Lands NASA Workforce Training Support Contract - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    ASRC Federal Subsidiary Lands NASA Workforce Training Support Contract

    NASA has awarded a five-year, $21 million contract to an ASRC Federal subsidiary for support services to the space agency’s leadership training initiatives. ASRC Federal Data Solutions will work to help NASA develop curriculum and knowledge sharing services for the agency’s efforts to develop and train its technical workforce, ASRC Federal said Tuesday. The Academy of Program/Project and Engineering […] More