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  • Vormetric Data Protection Tool Available on IBM Cloud; CJ Radford Comments - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    Vormetric Data Protection Tool Available on IBM Cloud; CJ Radford Comments

    Vormetric’s encryption technology is now available on the IBM Cloud marketplace for clients who want to add another layer of protection to stored data. The data-at-rest security product provides encryption and key management, policies and controls that work to restrict access to information, Vormetric said Monday. Vormetric also built security intelligence features into the product, such […] More

  • Christopher Zannetos: Employee Education, Access Mgmt Can Support IT Security Teams - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    Christopher Zannetos: Employee Education, Access Mgmt Can Support IT Security Teams

    A new survey from Courion evaluated how the role of the information technology executive has changed and how the executive’s team tam function as a support system, Christopher Zannetos, president and CEO, said Tuesday. The report highlighted the multiple hats a chief information security officer wears as almost 60 percent of respondents see themselves as brand manager […] More

  • FireEye's Darien Kindlund: New Tactics Needed Amid Changing Threat Landscape - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    FireEye’s Darien Kindlund: New Tactics Needed Amid Changing Threat Landscape

    Darien Kindlund, director of research science at FireEye, says that today’s changing threat landscape needs a flexible cybersecurity defense to match. “As attackers shift their strategies, the cyber defense industry is too, now moving away from a model built around identifying and remediating single attacks toward an environment where threat actors and their behaviors are […] More

  • Northrop Helps UK Adopt Internet Protocol System; Charles Houseago Comments - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    Northrop Helps UK Adopt Internet Protocol System; Charles Houseago Comments

    A Northrop Grumman air traffic management systems subsidiary has brought Internet protocol technology to the Imperial War Museum Duxford in the U.K. Northrop Grumman Park Air Systems updated the air traffic control’s voice communications system with the Park Air S4 IP Controller, the first of its kind to be installed in the U.K., Northrop said Monday. “We have […] More

  • Steve Nguyen: LexisNexis Builds Algorithm to Help Gov't Evaluate Personnel - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    Steve Nguyen: LexisNexis Builds Algorithm to Help Gov’t Evaluate Personnel

    Steve Nguyen, a vice president for LexisNexis Special Services, said the company has developed an algorithm to establish risk scores for the government to adopt for personnel evaluations, GCN reported Wednesday. Brian Robinson writes the database firm uses data from tens of thousands of publicly available sources and information from other data partner vendors. “We’ll check […] More

  • Mark Hurd, Rich Geraffo Highlight Oracle Cloud Network's Reach - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    Mark Hurd, Rich Geraffo Highlight Oracle Cloud Network’s Reach

    Oracle has reported a growing user base for its suite of cloud products through the Oracle PartnerNetwork, which Oracle President Mark Hurd said highlights the program’s value proposition to the company’s customers. “Oracle’s partner community is an invaluable asset to the company,” Hurt said Thursday. “Partner adoption of Oracle Cloud solutions has been tremendous and we will continue to provide […] More

  • Ed Hammersla: Raytheon Applied Customer Feedback to Update Cyber, Insider Threat Tool - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    Ed Hammersla: Raytheon Applied Customer Feedback to Update Cyber, Insider Threat Tool

    Raytheon worked with user feedback on previous versions of an insider threat and policy management product to include new features in an upgraded package. The company built PUMA Policy Pack to help users carry out continuous monitoring activities against attacks from privileged users within the network, Raytheon said Friday. It also introduced a software development kit […] More

  • George Helm: Harris to Release MUOS Radio Software Update Next Year - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    George Helm: Harris to Release MUOS Radio Software Update Next Year

    Harris Corp. has completed a series of interoperability tests on Falcon III manpack radios that host a waveform the company has developed for a U.S. military satellite communications system. “This milestone puts us on schedule to release the MUOS waveform through a software upgrade to the combat-proven AN/PRC-117G terminal next year,” George Helm, president of Harris RF Communications‘ […] More

  • Dave Mazur: Northrop Refreshes Air Force B-2 Weapons Mgmt Software - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    Dave Mazur: Northrop Refreshes Air Force B-2 Weapons Mgmt Software

    Northrop Grumman has updated software used by the U.S. Air Force to manage weapons onboard the B-2 bomber in an effort to give the branch a single program for managing the plane’s missions, said Dave Mazur, a Northrop vice president and B-2 program manager. The company went through a preliminary design review of the software, which is […] More

  • Adm. Robert Day: UN Org to Review Iridium's Mobile SATCOM Provider Application - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    Adm. Robert Day: UN Org to Review Iridium’s Mobile SATCOM Provider Application

    The International Maritime Organization is studying Iridium Communications’ application to be a mobile satellite communications provider for the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System. “We see Iridium’s inclusion as a GMDSS service provider as being very important to maritime safety and security on a global basis,” U.S. Coast Guard Adm. Robert Day said Friday. “Our preliminary […] More

  • Boeing, CASIS Aim to ID ‘Flight-Ready’ Space Research Concepts Through Accelerator - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    Boeing, CASIS Aim to ID ‘Flight-Ready’ Space Research Concepts Through Accelerator

    Boeing has joined forces with the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space for an initiative to identify flight-ready concepts with the goal of advancing the U.S. National Laboratory onboard the International Space Station. The partnership aims to support entrepreneurial researchers through MassChallenge, a four-month global startup accelerator program that provides funding support and mentorship […] More

  • Forecast International: UAV Market to Grow Two-Fold in 10 Years - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    Forecast International: UAV Market to Grow Two-Fold in 10 Years

    Forecast International expects unmanned aerial vehicles to become a $2.3 billion industry by 2023 despite a slowdown in production in the coming years, Military &  Aerospace Electronics reported Monday. John Keller writes the market analyst predicted the global market to more than double from $942 million this year amid the military’s continued reliance on flying […] More