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  • US Hypersonics Development Shifting Again Toward Interceptor Capabilities - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    US Hypersonics Development Shifting Again Toward Interceptor Capabilities

    The United States is engaged in a critical race to develop hypersonic weapons; the country’s main competitors, China and Russia, have surged ahead in their development and deployment of advanced hypersonics, leaving the U.S. hastening to catch up. The Navy and the Army are developing two hypersonic weapons, the intermediate-range Conventional Prompt Strike and the […] More

  • Semiconductor Chip Shortage Drives Onshore Fabrication & Workforce Development Efforts, Microelectronics Experts Say - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    Semiconductor Chip Shortage Drives Onshore Fabrication & Workforce Development Efforts, Microelectronics Experts Say

    In response to the global semiconductor chip shortage, the U.S. government is working with industry and academia to foster a more robust and capable onshore microelectronics manufacturing ecosystem. “We’re noticing an increasing reliance on specialized parts outside of the United States,” said Dr. Roy Campbell, chief strategist for the Department of Defense’s High Performance Computing Modernization […] More

  • DOD Microelectronics Director Talks Speeding Microelectronics Innovation to Unlock 'Must-Win' Technology - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    DOD Microelectronics Director Talks Speeding Microelectronics Innovation to Unlock ‘Must-Win’ Technology

    The United States is in the midst of a microelectronics dilemma. Demand for semiconductor chips has skyrocketed but supply chain problems have created a drastic decline in chip manufacturing, sparking a national security issue for the U.S. “Semiconductors are essential to national security,” according to a White House supply chain report. These chips are at the […] More

  • Navy Eyes Hypersonics Expansion; Michael Gilday Quoted - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    Navy Eyes Hypersonics Expansion; Michael Gilday Quoted

    The U.S. Navy is looking to expand its long-range strike capabilities with the addition of hypersonic missiles to its fleet. The service is working to equip its Zumwalt guided-missile destroyers with its Conventional Prompt Strike hypersonic weapon and achieve initial operating capability by 2025, mentioned Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Michael Gilday during the 2022 McAleese […] More

  • Academia Plays Major Role in US Microelectronics Development - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    Academia Plays Major Role in US Microelectronics Development

    In the wake of a worldwide semiconductor chip manufacturing shortage, U.S. government and industry leaders are looking for ways to rapidly ramp up domestic production while prioritizing continued innovation. As a result, academia is playing an increasingly vital role in the country’s microelectronics capabilities. In April 2022, the Department of Defense launched its “microelectronics commons,” […] More

  • White House Pushes for More Semiconductor Factories in US - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    White House Pushes for More Semiconductor Factories in US

    The semiconductor industry has seen a sharp decline in manufacturing in recent years, resulting in a global shortage of semiconductor chips that affects a growing list of industries critical to the United States economy.  These chips are used in a wide range of consumer electronics from cell phones to Internet of Things-connected appliances to automobiles; […] More

  • Software Factory Leaders Target Cultural Changes to Speed Software Delivery - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    Software Factory Leaders Target Cultural Changes to Speed Software Delivery

    In the months following the release of the Department of Defense’s software modernization strategy, federal agencies and military service branches have zeroed in on their software processes in efforts to drastically accelerate software delivery. These efforts have posed unique challenges to the U.S. Navy, whose geographically widespread fleet and warfighter base make it difficult to achieve […] More

  • DOD’s Robert Vietmeyer: Software Modernization Effectiveness Relies on Underlying Platforms - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    DOD’s Robert Vietmeyer: Software Modernization Effectiveness Relies on Underlying Platforms

    As the Department of Defense increases its focus on modernizing its software capabilities, officials say the primary focus should be on the platforms that serve as the foundation for these efforts. Robert Vietmeyer, DOD’s director for cloud and software modernization, said the department is rethinking its approach to software development and taking a more holistic […] More

  • Future Software Factory Ecosystem Unites Wide Array of DOD Modernization Efforts; John Sherman Quoted - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    Future Software Factory Ecosystem Unites Wide Array of DOD Modernization Efforts; John Sherman Quoted

    In the Department of Defense’s near future, John Sherman, the department’s chief information officer and acting chief digital and artificial intelligence officer, said multiple modernization efforts will ideally converge to fully bring the DOD into the digital age and help ensure the country’s technical advantage. “In a few years, our software modernization efforts will fully continue […] More

  • Viasat to Develop Space Relay Service for NASA; Craig Miller Quoted - top government contractors - best government contracting event

    Viasat to Develop Space Relay Service for NASA; Craig Miller Quoted

    Viasat has been tapped to develop a space relay capability for NASA to support near-Earth communications services. As part of NASA’s Communications Services Project, Viasat will leverage its ViaSat-3 global satellite constellation, along with its upcoming geostationary orbit network – which features three Terabit-class high-throughput satellites – to enable rapid, low-latency communications for LEO spacecraft, the Carlsbad, […] More

  • DOD’s Software Modernization Strategy Centers on Cloud Migration - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    DOD’s Software Modernization Strategy Centers on Cloud Migration

    In February 2021, the Department of Defense released its software modernization strategy, which defines the department’s broad goal of accelerating the speed of delivery for critical software. “The Department’s competitive advantage, today and tomorrow, is reliant on strategic insight, proactive innovation, and effective technology integration enabled through software capabilities,” according to the strategy’s foreword.  The strategy […] More